Gregory Smith, M.S
I'm a third year medical student interested in anesthesiology with a research interest in the neuro-immune axis. I hope to study the efficacy of currently used anesthetic agents for inflammatory conditions such as postoperative cognitive dysfunction, depressive disorders, and chronic pain.
Research Interests
Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO)
Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine, Harlem Campus
New York, NY 10027
M.S, Molecular & Cellular Pharmacology
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY 11790
B.S, Biochemistry
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY 11790
Study Abroad
Florence University of the Arts
Florence Italy, 50122
Teaching Activities
BSCN 611: General Pathology
Teaching Assistant
Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine, Harlem Campus
BSCN 604: Histology
Teaching Assistant
Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine, Harlem Campus
BIO 447: Readings in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology
Teaching Assistant
Stony Brook University
CHE 132: General Chemistry II
Teaching Assistant
Stony Brook University
Mentored Students
Aya Halwah
Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
Buffalo NY, 14203
Victoria Moushiaveshi
University of Nicosia Medical School
Cyprus Greece, 2408
Maryam Tayyab
Renaissance School of Medicine
Stony Brook NY, 11790
Stony Brook iGEM 2016 Team
Stony Brook iGEM 2017 Team
Extracurricular Activities
Vice President
Physician for Human Rights Interest Group
Research Fellow
Szema & Tsirka Lab & McClain Labs LLC, Smithtown NY, 11787
Summer 2023
Publications & Presentations
A. Gupta, A. Bielli, G. Smith, S. McClain, R. Promisloff, M. Lee-Wong, R. Kew, N. Zaghloul, M. Ahmed, J. Cozzarin, A. Szema. Mice with targeted deletion of the Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide (VIP) gene have spontaneous pulmonary arterial hypertension exaggerated with hypoxia. In prep
G. Smith, N. Shah, T. Chen, B Agrest, J. Grotticelli, Anesthesia-mediated Neuroinflammatory Sequelae in Post-Operative Cognitive Dysfunction: Mechanisms and Therapeutic Implications. Front. Anesthesiol. 2024
DOI: 10.3389/fanes.2024.1281034Daly TJ, Smith GT, McClain SA. Erythema multiforme-like papules after COVID vaccine administration. Dermatol Online J. 2024 Jun 15;30(3).
DOI: 10.5070/D3303638682023
Smith, Gregory T. "Chronic Scratching and Neurodermatitis Hatching." Unusual Diseases with Common Symptoms: A Clinical Casebook. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023. 159-163.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-40280-72022
Radin DP, Smith G, Moushiaveshi V, Wolf A, Bases R, Tsirka SE. Lucanthone Targets Lysosomes to Perturb Glioma Proliferation, Chemoresistance and Stemness, and Slows Tumor Growth In Vivo. Front Oncol. 2022 Apr 14;12:852940.
DOI: 10.3389/fonc.2022.852940Smith GT, Radin DP, Tsirka SE. From protein-protein interactions to immune modulation: Therapeutic prospects of targeting Neuropilin-1 in high-grade glioma. Front Immunol. 2022 Sep 20;13:958620.
DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.958620Olsen T, Caruana D, Cheslack-Postava K, Szema A, Thieme J, Kiss A, Singh M, Smith G, McClain S, Glotch T, Esposito M, Promisloff R, Ng D, He X, Egeblad M, Kew R, Szema A. Iraq/Afghanistan war lung injury reflects burn pits exposure. Sci Rep. 2022 Aug 29;12(1):14671.
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-18252-2Nirenberg MS, Requena L, Santonja C, Smith GT, McClain SA. Histopathology of persistent long COVID toe: A case report. J Cutan Pathol. 2022 Sep;49(9):791-794.
DOI: 10.1111/cup.142402018
Smith, Gregory. "Shocking Sex!!!." Unusual Diseases with Common Symptoms: A Clinical Casebook (2018): 227-233.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-58952-7References
Associate Professor of Medicine
Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell
Dr. Janet Grotticelli, DO, MBA, MSMed, CHSE
Director and Professor of Primary Care
Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine, Harlem Campus
Dr. Steve McClain, MD, FCAP, FASCP, FAPI
Medical Director, McClain Laboratories, LLC
Smithtown NY, 11787